Our 1977-1978 Season: Mainstage
This rowdy, realistic saga of a group of American sailors aboard a Navy cargo vessel in the Pacific shows the crew suffering from that deadly boredom that is part of the routine of war. To the ship's company, the Skipper is a cantankerous, small-minded man and every one of them conspires against him as the ship pursued its runs from Apathy to Tedium and back again. They are on a cargo mission, so little else is going to happen. That Mr. Roberts, a lieutenant, shared the crew's dislike for the Captain was one reason for his popularity. Roberts joined the world to fight; he hates being inactive almost as much as he hates the Captain. Privy to the crew's hijinks against the Skipper, Roberts still feels it's his duty to retain some discipline. After winning many ingenious battles against the Skipper, Roberts at last wins himself a transfer to combat duty. It was this transfer that cost him his life on a destroyer off Japan
Opening Night: Friday, September 9, 1977 - Closing Night: Saturday, September 24, 1977
Schlemmer | Frank Almroth |
Shore Patrolman | Tim Beaman |
Lindstrom | Roger Clark |
The Captain | Paul Cook |
Payne | Ken Crimmins |
Mannion | John Fahey |
Wiley | John Fazio, Jr. |
Lieutenant Ann Gerard | Nancy Fleisher |
Lieutenant j.g. Roberts | Paul Haskin |
Chief Johnson | Jess Hill |
Shore Patrol Officer | Matt Mathews |
Dowdy | Jay Mills |
Gearhart | Dennis Moore |
Military Policeman | Vic Nexon |
Ensign Pulver | Steve Northrup |
Stephanowski | Peter Norton |
Doc | Jerry Schreiber |
Insigna | Mark Selz |
Dolan | Mark Vian |
Director | Paul Haskin
Producer | Barbara Krajkowski
Stage Manager | Barbara Krajkowski
Set Design | Jack Fleming
Set Construction | Roger Clark
Matt Mathews |
Set Construction-Crew | Frank Almroth
Tim Beaman Holly Coscia Ken Crimmins John Fahey John Fazio, Jr. Jack Fleming Ewald Forsbrey Jim Gratkopf Cathy Mathews Ernie Mathews Dennis Moore Vic Nexon Steve Raffa Mark Selz David Spelkoman |
Set Decor | Robert Krudop
Lighting Design | Steve Northrup
Lighting-Crew | Tom Haight
Bill Kohler Kathy Northrup |
Sound Design | Paul Haskin
Sound Operation | Linda Goldstein
Props | Holly Coscia
Props-Crew | Doris Beaman
Karen Brandicich Pat Dougherty Arleen King |
Costumes | Linda Goldstein
Costumes-Crew | Abbey Goldstein
Make-Up / Hair | Carol Mathews
Make-Up / Hair Crew | Matt Mathews
Pat Oelkers |
Program Editor | Ruth Myers