Our 1976-1977 Season: Mainstage
Life is a steambath and we're all just waiting for our turn in the stalls. From the author ofScuba Duba. The men's area in a steambath is a microcosm into which a girl walks, takes a public shower and then retires leaving the stage to two homosexuals who do a song and dance in lip sinc. After this prelude, a Puerto Rican gives orders to a scanning TV monitor which result in two car crashes, an act of incest and a theft in a bus terminal. Some of the wishes he projects are vindictive: giving one area more unwanted rain or throwing a dart into someone's eye. Some are erotic. A new arrival does not believe that this person has so much power. He himself is a trickster hung up on whiskey sours. There is a scene of transfiguration with beautiful lighting and music to make the audience wonder whether or not this is God.
Opening Night: Friday, March 4, 1977 - Closing Night: Saturday, March 19, 1977
Broker | Clint Betz |
Young Girl | Joan Burton |
Longshorman / Flanders | Lou Chisena |
Attendant | Jeffrey DeChacon |
Gottleib | Seymour Hudson |
Young Man | Nat Kramer |
Tandy | Jay Mills |
Meredith | Cris Moran |
Bieberman | Howard Myers |
Oldtimer | Jerry Schreiber |
Young Man | Phil Stoehr |
Director | Paul Haskin
Producer | Carol Jones
Choreographer | Phil Stoehr
Stage Manager | Linda Goldstein
Barbara Krajkowski |
Set Design | Paul Haskin
Set Construction | Lou Chisena
Set Construction-Crew | Roger Clark
Ewald Forsbrey Paul Haskin Carol Jones Phil Kolodziejski Mike Pennesi |
Set Decor | Linda Goldstein
Paul Haskin |
Lighting Design | John Hatke
Lighting-Crew | Wally Coche
Steve Salberg |
Sound Design | Regan Ryzuk
Steve Salberg |
Props | Linda Goldstein
Props-Crew | Holly Coscia
Pat Dougherty Arleen King Barbara Weider |
Costumes | Barbara Krajkowski
Costumes-Crew | Joan Burton
Linda Goldstein |
Program Cover | Wendy Haskin
Program Editor | Ruth Myers