Our 2003-2004 Season: Mainstage
Bobby is turning 35 and you're invited to the party along with his eight coupled friends, who each have "advice" or "a plan" to get this eligible bachelor off-the-market for good. Winner of six Tony Awards®, this sophisticated musical takes a witty, and sometimes cynical, look at love, relationships, family and the age-old question of marriage vs. staying single.
In 2020, the cast reunited for an episode of The Barn Theatre Together Again.
Opening Night: Friday, November 21, 2003 - Closing Night: Saturday, December 6, 2003
Paul | Jeff Dopson |
Kathy | D'Angelique Dopson |
Marta | Cindy Jung McArthur |
Bobby | Brian Marshall |
David | Doug McLaughlin |
Sarah | Claudia Metz |
Peter | Tom Morrissey |
Jenny | Shannon Phillips |
Joanne | Darlene Rich |
Larry | Lawrence Sanders |
Harry | Tom Schopper |
April | Danielle Shepard |
Amy | Kathy Smizer |
Susan | Elissa Strell Kachtan |
Director | Larry Wilbur
Musical Director | Clifford Parrish
Producer | Kelly Murphy
Eileen Watkins |
Choreographer | Billy Brisley
Stage Manager | Amy McLaughlin
Rehearsal Stage Manager | Ann Marie Hattersley
Assistant Stage Manager | Mallory Bartolomucci
Set Design | Larry Wilbur
Set Construction | Roger Clark
Set Construction-Crew | Howard Henn
Bill Purdy Larry Wilbur Rich Witenberg Steve Zevas |
Stage Crew | Bridget Burke Weiss
Mike Consalazio Dan Metz Rich Witenberg |
Set Decor | Rich Witenberg
Lighting Design | Nicholas Marmo
Lighting-Crew | Mallory Bartolomucci
Steve Gilgur Megan Marmo Frank Marmo |
Sound Design | Jeff Knapp
Props | Rich Witenberg
Props-Crew | Rose Mossucco
Costumes | Janice Schopper
Costumes-Crew | Lillian Miller
Mary Rode |
Make-Up / Hair | Bridget Burke Weiss
Dance Captain | Cindy Jung McArthur
Photography | Joe Gigli
Program Cover | Jonathan Wentz
Program Layout | W Design, LLC
Program Editor | Matt Heffernan
Publicity | Tom Schopper