Our 1958-1959 Season: Mainstage
Larry Larkin draws a comic strip and, to put it bluntly, would take all prizes as the world's No. 1 egoist. Larry is engaged to his secretary, Dunreath Henry, a very nice girl, who sees Larry as he sees himself—not as everyone else sees him. To create a triangle, Francis X. Dignan then appears; ostensibly he's to draw Larry's strip while Larry takes a month off to honeymoon with Dunreath; but Dignan immediately decides his purpose in life is to save Dunreath from what he calls "the fate worse than the fate worse than death." There's also Norman, a small boy from Australia, whom Larry adopts to show what a good guy he really is. Dignan and Norman, between them, eventually manage to convince Dunreath that she's really in love with Dignan, and the three of them go off together while Larry happily broods on his own greatness.
Opening Night: Wednesday, September 24, 1958 - Closing Night: Saturday, October 4, 1958
Ensemble | Alice Mahler |