Our 2000-2001 Season: Special Event
A modern, witty retelling of Scrooge with a dash of Geroge Bailey, Bob Marley and Dr. Seuss thrown in for good measure.
Opening Night: Friday, December 15, 2000 - Closing Night: Saturday, December 16, 2000
Ghost of Bob Marley | Michael Babb |
George | Thomas Hodge |
Carol/Lucy/Daughter | Dannielle Mastracche |
Joseph/Charlie/Patron | Roger Niebuhr |
Tim | Dustin Picillo |
Cindy Lou | Amber Pollack |
Director | Todd Mills
Producer | Lauren Moran Mills
Stage Manager | Kathy Koeppel
Lighting Design | Todd Mills
Lighting Board Operation | Brian Biggs
Sound Design | Brian Marshall
Props | Lauren Moran Mills
Costumes | Lauren Moran Mills
Publicity | Tom Schopper