Our 2001-2002 Season: Mainstage
Barely a month after Kristallnacht – The Night of Broken Glass, when the Nazi persecution of the Jews started in earnest – the Kindertransports began. During the next nine months, 10,000 Jewish children between the ages of five and seventeen were evacuated from their native Germany and came to settle in England. They left behind their homes, family, posses-sions, language, culture and identity. They survived, but at a cost. Kindertransport follows 9 year-old Eva as she leaves Germany for England, disavows her heritage and grows into the 50 year-old Evelyn. It is a play about separation, dislocation, rejection and remembrance, a beautifully written piece, poignant without being morbid and ultimately cathartic.
Opening Night: Friday, January 11, 2002 - Closing Night: Saturday, January 26, 2002
Eva | Virginia Bosch |
Lil | Bridget Burke Weiss |
Ratcatcher, et al | Jeffrey DeChacon |
Helga | Laura Kennedy |
Faith | Elizabeth Sheber |
Evelyn | Robin Totillo |
Director | Lauren Moran Mills
Producer | Walter Nieman
Claire Siegmund |
Stage Manager | Brianne Fullhardt
Assistant Stage Manager | Shannon Zelitch
Set Design | Todd Mills
Set Construction | Todd Mills
Set Construction-Crew | Roger Clark
Bill Purdy Steve Zevas |
Set Decor | Jonathan Wentz
Painting Crew | Bill Purdy
Claire Siegmund Janine Wentz |
Lighting Design | Todd Mills
Lighting Board Operation | Todd Mills
Sound Design | Larry Wilbur
Sound Operation | Matt Heffernan
Props | Bobbie Besiack
Claire Siegmund Janine Wentz |
Costumes | Janet Lazar
Costumes-Crew | Shelly Naranjo
Kathy Sommers |
Make-Up / Hair | Janet Lazar
Photography | Joe Gigli
Erin Mills |
Program Cover | W Design, LLC
Flyers | Bridget Burke Weiss
Program Editor | Matt Heffernan
Publicity | Tom Schopper