Our 2018-2019 Season: Theatre for Children

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The Santa Interviews

Written by Wade Bradford

Get ready to laugh out loud as Santa interviews famous holiday characters for the job of Lead Cookie Supervisor. With his assistant and two favorite elves, Santa makes his way through one failed interview after another. Prancer wants the job because she’s tired of pulling the sleigh. Frosty the Snowman melts before he is even interviewed. A creepy elf who is running from the law applies, and even Scrooge wants the position!

Part of Seasons Greetings 2: The New Batch.

This royalty-free play by Wade Bradford is part of a fantastic collection of plays for kids and teens on Drama Notebook.

Opening Night: Saturday, December 8, 2018 - Closing Night: Sunday, December 9, 2018


GimbelBrad Bebout
PrancerAdyna Blair Silverberg
Tiny TimAnthony DiBenedetto
MacyLaura Greer
SantaDave McDonald
GalagrielJordan Vogt
SmeagolJacob Vogt
FrostyBrian Walsh
ScroogeMichael Yoder