Our 2020-2021 Season: Virtual Theatre for Children
Available On Demand, December 12, 2020
Watch the surprise unfold as Buddy Bear & Mini Moose help their friend Geraldine countdown to Christmas & Hanukkah.
Designed for children 3-6, this interactive puppet show is fun for the whole family. If you have jingle bells- grab them & join in the holiday fun!
Tickets are $5 per household. The link to the virtual event video will be displayed after your order completes and also emailed as part of your receipt.
This presentation is based on Based upon The 12 Days of Christmas Surprise by Adele Juenette
Opening Night: Saturday, December 12, 2020 - Closing Night: Saturday, January 16, 2021
All tickets: $5
Narrator | Geraldine Baillod |
Elf | Scott Baird |
Buddy Bear and Mini Moose | Bridget Burke Weiss |
Producer | Scott Baird
Bridget Burke Weiss Carla Kendall |
Lighting Design | Nicholas Marmo
Sound Engineer | Jeff Knapp
Videographer | Lauren M. Grof-Tisza