Our 2013-2014 Season: Mainstage
The Tony Award winning play is based on a series of master classes in opera given at the Julliard School of Music by the renowned opera singer Maria Callas.
Opening Night: Friday, January 10, 2014 - Closing Night: Saturday, February 1, 2014
Tony | Jeff Dopson |
Maria Callas | Carla Kendall |
Manny | Ken Magos |
Stagehand | Claudia Metz |
Sophie | Kelly Miller |
Sharon | Danielle Pennisi |
Director | Roseann Ruggiero
Producer | Geraldine Baillod
Lillian Miller |
Stage Manager | Claudia Metz
Set Design | Beau Kennedy
Set Construction | Beau Kennedy
Set Construction-Crew | Greg Marocco
Micah Weiss |
Lighting Design | Todd Mills
Lights / Sound Operation | John Frangione
Jeff Kinkead |
Sound Design | Jeff Knapp
Props | Geraldine Baillod
Costumes | Lillian Miller
Costumes-Crew | Roseann Ruggiero
Make-Up / Hair | Joan Agosta
Photography | Joe Gigli
Tom Schopper |
Graphic Design | Jonathan Wentz