Our 2000-2001 Season: Mainstage
An Inspector Calls is a psychologically adept work and an engaging play. This mystery explores the strange changes that take place in human beings when their consciences are affected.
The action takes place in an English industrial city. A young girl commits suicide and an eminently respectable British family is subject to a routine inquiry in connection with the death. An Inspector Calls to interrogate the family, and during the course of his questioning, all members of the group are implicated lightly or deeply, in the girl's undoing. The family members, apparently close-knit and friendly at the beginning of the evening, are ultimately shown to be selfish, self-centered or cowardly. The family good humor turns to acid, and good fellowship to dislike, before the evening is over.
Who is this mysterious inspector? What does he really know? Twists and turns abound.
Opening Night: Friday, March 23, 2001 - Closing Night: Saturday, April 7, 2001
Ensemble | Julie Artim |
Sybil Birling | Carole Caton |
Edna | Kelly Chippendale |
Arthur Birling | Art Deutsch |
Ensemble | Bob Forrester |
Gerald | Will Jarred |
Ensemble | Michael Lazorko |
Sheila | Karen Lewan |
The Inspector | Jay Ludwig |
Eric | Paul Rivers |
Eva | Elizabeth Sheber |
Ensemble | Leah Vesonder |
Ensemble | John Ziomek |
Director | Don Miller
Producer | Claire Siegmund
Stage Manager | Martie Cheek
Set Design | CeCe Dwyer
Set Construction | Roger Clark
Set Construction-Crew | BJ Brennan
Bob Forrester Howard Henn Beau Kennedy Marty Kleindienst Bill Purdy Steve Zevas |
Set Decor | CeCe Dwyer
Scenic Artist | Ed Nicolazzo
Painting Crew | Bob Forrester
Roger Niebuhr Paul Rivers |
Lighting Design | Hannah Hendry
Larry Wilbur |
Lighting Board Operation | Roger Niebuhr
Lighting-Crew | Brian Marshall
Larry Wilbur |
Sound Design | Patrick Horan
Jeff Knapp |
Sound Operation | William Eddy
Walter Nieman |
Props | Carol Offermann
Costumes | CeCe Dwyer
Lillian Miller |
Costumes-Crew | Nancy Chippendale
Elizabeth Ross |
Make-Up / Hair | Joan Agosta
Make-Up / Hair Crew | Evelyn Gorman
Roseann Ruggiero |
Assistant to the Director | CeCe Dwyer
Bruce Williamson |
Assistant to Producer | Ann Marie Hattersley
Jude Mahon |
Photography | Marge Gaffney
Program Cover | W Design, LLC
Publicity | Tom Schopper
Videographer | Matt Heffernan