Our 2020-2021 Season: Virtual Program

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Winter Is Murder!

The evening is about the "disappearance" of Dr. Udat Hertz, the notable plastic surgeon. He’s the only one who would do incognito house calls during Covid19 to the wealthy, exclusive suburb of Gottalota Hills. The doctor rang thrice… But will he anymore?

Join us online Saturday, February 13th, 2021 for a LIVE show of Winter is Murder!  via Zoom.

Zoom Room doors open 7:45pm, Zoom show starts 8:00pm. Zoom link will be in your receipt.

It’s partly interactive or you can sit back and watch the show. 

Additional Information for Patrons: This event is intended for mature audiences

Tickets are $10.

Opening Night: Saturday, February 13, 2021 - Closing Night: Saturday, February 13, 2021

The show runs approximately 1:30 without an intermission.


Olga Rhett HerringClaudine Boucher
BelindaBridget Burke Weiss
CourtneyTopher Dash
Detective Marty GrasCharles Grayson
PenelopeBarbara Haag
TinaGinny Pados Beutnagel
OrnellaHeather Stevenson

Production Staff

DirectorGinny Pados Beutnagel
ProducerGeraldine Baillod
Scott Baird